News & Updates

There’s always something going on in the Free Methodist Church in Southern California. If you have a story you would like to share with the Conference, let us know!

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How to Vote for Superintendent
How to Vote for Superintendent

To ensure transparency throughout this process, we want to make sure you are informed about how voting will take place. Here are some important details that will help you vote.

Ministerios Hispanos – Informe de fin de año 2021
Ministerios Hispanos – Informe de fin de año 2021

A lo largo del mes de enero, destacamos el trabajo que hacemos juntos como Iglesia Metodista Libre en el sur de California a través de informes de fin de año los cuales son compartidos por líderes que sirven en las juntas y comités de la conferencia.

Superintendent Nomination Update
Superintendent Nomination Update

As your appointed Superintendent Nominating Committee, we are pleased to present the nomination of Jon Sato for a four-year term as Superintendent of the FMCSC.