Quantum Church Planting Assessment
What if…
- Every local church could become a fruitful, committed community of disciples who loved God, loved others, and made more disciples everywhere they went?
- Every pastoral leader knew who they were in Christ, knew what they were called to do for Him, had the skills to pull it off—AND the character to maintain their integrity throughout it all?
- Every new church plant was established based on the “irreducible core” of Jesus’ teachings, focusing on loving God, loving others, and making disciples?
- Our denomination and conference could become a Spirit-fueled movement, igniting and catalyzing multiplication at every level of life and ministry, vital in the life of Christ, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout Southern California?
We believe this is possible in and through leaders who love God with all that they are, love others as they love themselves and, as they live life, make disciples that make more disciples.

God has designed each leader differently. A multi-layered approach (both organic and scientific) to assessments will help you better understand yourself and how God has designed you to multiply. To begin the church planting process with us, begin with step 1 below and the link provided for you to take the Initial Screening Assessment. After taking the assessment, you will be notified by one of our Multiplying Communities Coaches that will inform you of your next step.
Level One – Three Step Online Assessment
Step 1
Complete the Initial Screening Assessment and Review It with Our Team
We utilize Church Planter Profiles to provide a basic foundational insight into your gifting, personality and experience. The Initial Screening Assessment is an 85 question tool that will provide insight into your (1) Experience, (2) Entrepreneurial Leadership, (3) Ministry Experience, and (4) Relational Evangelism.
You will need to set up your account and profile in order to take the assessments.
- When asked “Are you already working with an agency?” Answer, “Yes – I was asked to complete a profile by a church planting agency”
- Choose “Free Methodist SoCal Conference”
Follow the instructions to then take your Initial Screening Assessment. The cost will be $19.95 for this assessment.
After taking the Initial Screening Assessment, a Multiplying Communities Coach will contact you.
Step 2
Complete a Full Profile Online
After connecting with a Multiplying Communities Coach to review your Initial Screening Assessment, your assessment profile may be upgraded by us to complete the following assessments at no cost to you:
- The Golden Personality Profile™ is based on the four letter personality typology with a 16 page report detailing your strengths and growth opportunities.
- The Portrait Predictor™ is a DiSC based assessment with a 6 page report which highlights your strengths, growth opportunities and provides an application guide with next steps.
- The Spiritual Gifts assessment will indicate the strongest of your gifts among a list of 19 Biblically identified areas of giftedness.
- The online 360 Evaluation allows you to invite others to provide feedback on 12 critical qualities of church planting.
- The StrengthsFinder™ assessment is available as an additional option. To complete the StrengthsFinder you must purchase one of several StrengthsFinder books and use the included code to complete the online assessment. You may then share your results on Church Planter Profiles.
Step 3
Complete the Online Application
Complete the Multiplying Communities Employment application online. This will involve completing the following:
- Schedule an appointment with the Director of Multiplication to go over the process and next steps
- Send a resume, bio and picturex
- Background check
- Submission of 3 references (2 professional and 1 personal)
- Complete Quantum Pre-Assessment Workbook
- Take APEST 360 Vocational Assessment. Your cost of $25.00 will be reimbursed.
Level Two
Once all 3 steps are completed of Level 1, the Multiplication Office will schedule your Quantum Assessment Interview:
- Complete the half-day Quantum assessment interview
- A Multiplying Communities Coach will be in contact with you to go over the assessment
- Recommendation of next step(s) by the Assessment Team
Level Three
If full approval is given to proceed as a church planter with the Free Methodist Church, your next steps will be:
- Schedule to be part of the Church Planting Intensive
- A church planting coach will be assigned to you
- Complete a Church Plant Proposal and Spending Plan
- Submit your Church Plant Proposal to the Kingdom Multiplication Group
- Submit your official application of ministry to the Ministerial Education and Guidance (MEG) Board.
- Work with the conference to the Appointed by the Ministerial Appointments Committee (MAC).
- Continue development with your Multiplying Communities Coach and towards full society status.