News & Updates

There’s always something going on in the Free Methodist Church in Southern California. If you have a story you would like to share with the Conference, let us know!

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Thriving in Ministry in 2021 with Trisha Welstad
Thriving in Ministry in 2021 with Trisha Welstad

Join us for a thoughtful conversation with Trisha Welstad as she gives ministry leaders encouragement and practical resources to help you move from simply surviving to joyfully thriving in your ministries this year.

An Honest Conversation About Sexuality and the Church
An Honest Conversation About Sexuality and the Church

Do you sometimes feel like the conversation in the church about sexuality isn’t really much of a conversation? It’s time for the church to have an honest dialog about sexuality – one that’s less focused on fear and talking points and is instead focused on seeing people the way God sees them.

Upcoming Conference Superintendent Changes
Upcoming Conference Superintendent Changes

As the Free Methodist Church in Southern California transitions to a single-superintendent structure, we are making changes now to allow for a healthy, God-honoring process.

FMCSC Moving to Single Superintendent Model
FMCSC Moving to Single Superintendent Model

At their January, 2021 meeting, the Board of Administration took action with overwhelming support to return to a Single Superintendent leadership model at the conclusion of the existing term at Annual Conference 2022.