MLK’s prophetic ministry challenges Free Methodists to uphold their activist roots & heritage of pursuing justice and dignity for all people.
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Keeping Faith Central During Election Season
Rev. Ta’Tyana Leonard offers practical advice for Christians on maintaining relationships and faith during politically charged times.
Equipping Leaders to Plant Life-Giving Faith Communities
Church multiplication is the process of establishing Christ-centered communities that reveal God's love in their unique context. This goes beyond merely planting new churches; it involves nurturing spiritual life within diverse groups of people. Church multiplication...
Reflections from Superintendent Jon Sato
Join us in reflecting on a transformative season at the Southern California Conference, marked by leadership, unity, and growth.
Share Your Story: Bob Managbanag’s Ministry Moment
Rev. Bob Managbanag, an FMCSC elder, shares a tender ministry moment to a dying woman and her loved one.
Superintendent Nomination Update
As your appointed Superintendent Nominating Committee, we are pleased to present the nomination of Jon Sato for a four-year term as Superintendent of the FMCSC.
What Does Success Look Like for Pastors?
Superintendent Fraser Venter shares his years of experience on the idea of success and ministry for pastors trying to stay the course.
Discounted Classes from Azusa Pacific Seminary
In the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC), one of our “methods” is education: preparing ourselves for the work God has called us to through studying and mentoring. To help our leaders equip themselves for ministry, we have partnered with Azusa...
A Message From Your Superintendent Team
This last year has forced us to be responsive to where God is leading. Join with us as we embrace innovative ministry together in 2021.