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FMx 2017 – Rev. Tara Beth Leach – Beyond Expectations
FMx 2017 – Rev. Tara Beth Leach – Beyond Expectations

Rev. Tara Beth Leach shares with the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC) how God works through us in spite of our expectations and asks if we are open to God moving in us to live out his hope for the world.

# About Rev. Tara Beth Leach

Rev. Tara Beth Leach is the Senior Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena (“PazNaz”) in Southern California. She is a graduate of Olivet Nazarene University (B.A. Youth Ministry) and Northern Theological Seminary (M.Div.). She is regular writer for Missio Alliance and has contributed to other publications such as Christianity Today, Christian Week, The Jesus Creed, The Table Magazine, Reflecting the Image Devotional, and Renovating Holiness. Tara Beth is also the author of the InterVarsity Press book, Emboldened: A Vision for Empowering Women in Ministry (2017) and a Beacon Hill Press book, Kingdom Culture (Spring, 2017). She has two beautiful and rambunctious children, Caleb and Noah, and has been married to the love of her life, Jeff, since 2006.

FMx 2017 – Dr. Kevin Mannoia – Crossing the Streams
FMx 2017 – Dr. Kevin Mannoia – Crossing the Streams

Kevin Mannoia shares with the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC) how the many streams of the Christian faith impact the world in important ways and how the Free Methodist stream can bring healing to a hurting world and open up lines of communication that bring people to God.

# About Kevin Mannoia, Ph.D.

Kevin W. Mannoia is Professor of Ministry and serves as Chaplain at Azusa Pacific University. In that capacity he developed and oversees the chaplaincy and spiritual care ministry of the faculty, staff, and graduate students. Previously, he served as Dean of Haggard School of Theology at APU, coming from his role as President of the National Association of Evangelicals. From his experience as a pastor, superintendent, bishop of the Free Methodist Church and President of the NAE, Mannoia brings his understanding of the church at a congregational, organizational, denominational, and national level to his ministry. He and Kathleen, his wife, live near Los Angeles. They have three children, Kristyn, Christopher and Corey.

FMCSC – It’s who we are.
FMCSC – It’s who we are.

Our Five Freedoms. They’re more than just a slogan or mission statement. They’re our shared values and the launching point for ministries that are changing lives and transforming the world. It’s who we are.

– Freedom of all races to worship and live together.
– Freedom of women to participate fully in the life, ministry and governance of the church as called and gifted by God.
– Freedom of the poor to be treated with dignity in the church and in the world.
– Freedom of the laity to be given authority and decision-making positions within the church.
– Freedom of the Holy Spirit in worship.

Explore how our Five Freedoms impact our ministries today and ways these freedoms can inform how we engage with God’s people and the world at large in years to come.

FMCSC Annual Conference 2017 Intro
FMCSC Annual Conference 2017 Intro

Our Five Freedoms. They’re more than just a slogan or mission statement. They’re our shared values and the launching point for ministries that are changing lives and transforming the world. It’s who we are.

– Freedom of all races to worship and live together.
– Freedom of women to participate fully in the life, ministry and governance of the church as called and gifted by God.
– Freedom of the poor to be treated with dignity in the church and in the world.
– Freedom of the laity to be given authority and decision-making positions within the church.
– Freedom of the Holy Spirit in worship.

This Annual Conference we explore how our Five Freedoms impact our ministries today and ways these freedoms can inform how we engage with God’s people and the world at large in years to come.

Annual Conference 2016 – We Have a Voice
Annual Conference 2016 – We Have a Voice

For more information:

Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples is the mission of the Free Methodist Church. Our six strategic priorities are how we’re living it out. This Annual Conference, add your voice to the conversation as we partner with God in shaping the FMCSC and using us to impact the world.