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Kingdom Ministry Group – Annual Conference 2021
Kingdom Ministry Group – Annual Conference 2021

What is Annual Conference? It’s a time for all of us to celebrate what God has done throughout our churches, remember those who have gone before us, and consecrate God’s calling on the lives of new church leaders across Southern California. It’s our opportunity to remember that “It’s good to belong.”

The purpose of the Kingdom Ministry Group is to see to the development of sustainable and vital Free Methodist societies by fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the Annual Conference to sponsor church planting projects and care for societies requiring revitalization. As with all Free Methodist Church leadership, the board is composed of an equal number of ministerial and lay (non-ordained) leaders.

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Ministerial Education & Guidance – Annual Conference 2021
Ministerial Education & Guidance – Annual Conference 2021

What is Annual Conference? It’s a time for all of us to celebrate what God has done throughout our churches, remember those who have gone before us, and consecrate God’s calling on the lives of new church leaders across Southern California. It’s our opportunity to remember that “It’s good to belong.”

The Ministerial Education and Guidance (commonly called the MEG) is responsible for qualifying, guiding, counseling, and mentoring candidates for ordination as they prepare for ministry. In addition, the MEG is responsible for pastoral accountability, disciplinary actions, and partnering in restoration. As with all Free Methodist Church leadership, the board is composed of an equal number of ministerial and lay (non-ordained) leaders.

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Invitation to Annual Conference 2021
Invitation to Annual Conference 2021

As an elder, staff pastor, church delegate or representative in the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC), this is your official invitation to Annual Conference 2021, May 12-15.

What is Annual Conference? It’s a time for all of us to celebrate what God has done throughout our churches, remember those who have gone before us, and consecrate God’s calling on the lives of new church leaders across Southern California. It’s our opportunity to remember that “It’s good to belong.”

This year, we’re focusing on connecting and rebuilding. We’re walking through the book of Nehemiah to see how God can move in and through a people to not only rebuild a wall thousands of years ago, but also rebuild our churches into thriving communities that experience God’s grace and live in God’s presence.

Find out more at

Find Out How You Can Bring Hope to Refugees Around the World
Find Out How You Can Bring Hope to Refugees Around the World

“Who is my neighbor?” It was one of the most insidious questions asked by anyone in the Bible, an attempt to square a world view where doing good could have enough caveats to allow for inaction. Sometimes it can feel like the American church has done the same with refugees from around the world – embracing a restrictionist legal framework to immigration that allows us to close our eyes and ignore a hurting world that we helped create.

Matthew Soerens, US Director of Church Mobilization for World Relief and co-author of “Seeking Refuge,” is challenging Christians in the US and around the world to seriously consider not just how we think but how we act, vote, and lobby for the “least of these” while finding common ground across ideologies to address why supporting refugees can be so difficult.

In this video we get a chance to hear from Matthew about the work he’s doing and ask him important questions about how we can be part of a movement to provide relief to people looking for hope.

# Links
World Relief –
Evangelical Immigration Table –
Welcoming the Stranger –
Seeking Refuge –

Visit us at

Theology 101 – The Christian Journey
Theology 101 – The Christian Journey

Have you ever wondered why you believe the things you do about God? Have you ever wondered what Christians mean when they ask, “Are you saved?” In this course we’ll ask big questions in an attempt to understand ourselves and God a little better.

# About This Lesson
Methodists reject magical notions of metaphysical action / reaction when we talk about salvation, and instead focus on a relationship with Christ that culminates in a journey worth living. Is that how you describe your own journey with God?

Theology 101 – Introduction to Theology
Theology 101 – Introduction to Theology

Have you ever wondered why you believe the things you do about God? Have you ever wondered what Christians mean when they ask, “Are you saved?” In this course we’ll ask big questions in an attempt to understand ourselves and God a little better.

# About This Lesson
Theology is the process of asking questions about God. Questions like, “How did the world get started?” and “What happens when I die?” Every person who has asked these questions and considered that there might be more than what they can see has engaged in thinking about theology.

Theology 101 – Wesleyan Quadrilateral
Theology 101 – Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Have you ever wondered why you believe the things you do about God? Have you ever wondered what Christians mean when they ask, “Are you saved?” In this course we’ll ask big questions in an attempt to understand ourselves and God a little better.

# About This Lesson
When we talk about theology, one of the things we tend to avoid talking about is HOW we come to our theology. The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is an honest description of how every Christian uses scripture, tradition, experience, and reason to come to understand God.

2021 Webinar Series – The Free Methodist Way
2021 Webinar Series – The Free Methodist Way

“What if there were no Free Methodists?” Have you ever asked that question? Have you ever wondered what makes us unique and different from other church groups? Have you asked yourself “Why should I be part of this movement?”

The Free Methodist Way is an initiative led by the Board of Bishops to answer those questions, clarifying the values that allow the Free Methodist Church to have a voice now:

– Life-Giving Holiness
– Love-Driven Justice
– Christ-Compelled Multiplication
– Cross-Cultural Collaboration
– God-Given Revelation

In understanding what makes us unique, we are then able to live into our distinct culture and have an impact on a world that is looking for Christians who live what they say they believe.

In this webinar the Board of Bishops (Linda Adams, Keith Cowart, and Matthew Whitehead) share their own perspectives and stories about what the Free Methodist Way is and what it means to them.

Diversity in the Free Methodist Church with Dr. Tali Hairston
Diversity in the Free Methodist Church with Dr. Tali Hairston

Dr. Tali Hairston discusses diversity in the Free Methodist Church. Dr. Hairston has been working with the Board of Bishops, the Diversity Task Force of FMCUSA, and the Seattle Presbytery on community organization, advocacy, and development. For 17 years Tali was the founding director of the John M. Perkins Center for Reconciliation, Leadership Training, and Community Development at Seattle Pacific University emphasizing research and development of reconciliation, equity, and diversity. The center also provides service-learning and experiential education opportunities in justice, poverty, ethnicity, and cultural literacy for undergraduate students.

Called to engage the work of reconciliation and community development, the work has taken Tali all over the world, working with ministries and leaders from Cambodia to South Africa. Formed by these global experiences and inspired by his own family history as one of the largest enslaved families in American history, Tali is known for his gift to encourage and equip youth and young adults of all backgrounds to pursue God’s call and purpose to be and become.