Videos and Podcasts

Looking for content for your congregation that will inspire, inform, or educate? The Free Methodist Church in Southern California has an active group of content producers creating podcasts and videos weekly. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates.

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The Word of God – An Invitation to Scripturally Principled Living
The Word of God – An Invitation to Scripturally Principled Living

In this episode, Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming delve into the concept of “scripturally principled” Christian living, as opposed to being merely Bible-based. They encourage listeners to distill timeless principles from the Bible and embody them in their lives today. They acknowledge the challenge of interpreting Scripture and emphasize the importance of humility and a relational approach to Bible study. This episode is an invitation to a richer, more nuanced relationship with Scripture, designed to enhance your Christian life.

Key TakeawaysScripture should not just be read—it should also read us. We should allow it to settle into our spirit through practices such as Lectio Divina.Understanding Scripture can be challenging, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor that can enrich your spiritual journey.We should approach Bible study with humility, wrestling with the text while maintaining a relational posture.The authority of Scripture and the terms often associated with it (infallibility, inspiration, etc.) are complex issues that warrant thoughtful consideration.KeywordsScripturally Principled, Bible Interpretation, Incarnational Christian Living, Hermeneutics, Scripture Authority, Biblical Principles, Christian Life

About the PodcastAbout Anchored & Reaching “Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Co-hosted by Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin and Susanna every week as they encourage you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

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Introducing Anchored & Reaching
Introducing Anchored & Reaching

“Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Co-hosted by Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin and Susanna every week as they encourage you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

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The Word of God – More Than Words

In this episode of “Anchored & Reaching,” hosts Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming delve into the concept of the Word of God, emphasizing that it extends beyond the confines of the written Bible. They explore the various ways in which God self-expresses and reveals His love and presence to humanity. By expanding our understanding, we can engage with a more holistic and profound experience of God’s revelation.

Key TakeawaysThe Word of God is more than just words on a page.Expressions of God through creation, conscience, and personal experiences.Understanding the diversity of God’s self-expression in various forms.Recognizing Jesus as the ultimate expression of the Word of God.The danger of fixating on the written Word and worshiping the book instead of the author.Reconciling Scripture as the Word of God while acknowledging its role in the broader tapestry of divine revelation.Bible ReferencesGenesis 1: Creation and self-expression of God.Romans 2:12-16: The law written on hearts and conscience as a witness.John 1:1: The Word becoming flesh in Jesus.Colossians 1:15-20: Jesus as the sustainer and expression of God’s Word.

#GodsRevelation #WordOfGod #SelfExpression #Bible #HolisticFaith #DivineRevelation

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Co-hosted by Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin and Susanna every week as they encourage you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Apostolic Movements in the Church (Part 2)
Apostolic Movements in the Church (Part 2)

In this insightful episode, hosts Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming dive into a deep discussion about the concept and role of apostolicity within the Christian church. They challenge misconceptions about authority, power, and control often associated with apostolicity, highlighting the true essence of it being empowerment, humility, and validation of others in their spiritual calling.

Key TakeawaysApostolicity isn’t about asserting power or control. Instead, it’s about empowering and validating others in their vocation.Apostolicity doesn’t mean facing more spiritual warfare due to a position on the “front lines.” God’s work is done through all individuals, irrespective of their roles. Apostolic churches are encouraged to engage in social and cultural issues, bringing the presence of God into the conversation.Churches, like people, have different roles and graces. Some churches are more apostolic, addressing broader cultural issues, while others are more pastoral, focusing on individual and community care.The misuse or misunderstanding of apostolicity can lead to tension and division within the church. Understanding and unity within the church’s diversity are essential.Apostolicity should be about serving and empowering others, emphasizing the importance of humility over authority.

#AnchoredAndReaching #Apostolicity #SpiritualEmpowerment #Humility #SpiritualWarfare #ChurchDiversity

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Co-hosted by Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin and Susanna every week as they encourage you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Apostolic Movements in the Church (Part 1)
Apostolic Movements in the Church (Part 1)

In this episode, hosts Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming delve into the understanding of “apostolic” as more than just a title, but as a spiritual gift for advancing God’s work in the world. They navigate the diverse interpretations of the term across different Christian traditions and reflect on its application in contemporary Christian faith.

Key TakeawaysThe term “apostolic” holds varied interpretations across different Christian traditions.The root of “apostolic” means being sent out, reflecting on the work of Jesus and the apostles in the Bible.Spiritual gifts, including being apostolic, should be exercised with humility.The understanding of “apostolic” extends to individual and collective experiences of God’s grace.Different interpretations of “apostolic” should be accepted among believers with grace and humility.

#Apostolic #SpiritualGifts #Faith #ChristianLeadership #GodsGrace #HolySpirit #Bible #Humility #Diversity #Healing

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Co-hosted by Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin and Susanna every week as they encourage you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Salvation – More Than a Set of Terms or Propositions
Salvation – More Than a Set of Terms or Propositions

On this episode of Anchored & Reaching, hosts Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming delve into the dynamic process of Christian salvation. They discuss how faith, repentance, confession, and sanctification are continuously at work in a believer’s life, emphasizing that salvation is a journey, not just a one-time event.

Key TakeawaysFaith in Jesus Christ is about living a life continuously renewed and surrendered to Christ, rather than just a one-time event or a series of tasks to check off.Justification, often equated with ‘getting saved,’ is a singular moment but its impact is daily lived as believers depend on Jesus.Salvation is a lifetime journey of being restored. It’s not about a specific moment of conversion, but a consistent, ongoing relationship with Jesus.The dynamic and ambiguous nature of these theological concepts invites deeper exploration of faith and ensures the focus stays on God’s agency.Bible ReferencesJohn 3:16 – on God’s gift of salvation through JesusHebrews 12:2 – on Jesus as the author and finisher of our faithPhilippians 1:6 – on God’s faithfulness to complete the good work He began in believers

#Salvation #Faith #Justification #Sanctification #ChristianLife #AnchoredAndReaching

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Co-hosted by Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin and Susanna every week as they encourage you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Salvation – The Blue Dot Continuum
Salvation – The Blue Dot Continuum

In this episode of “Anchored & Reaching,” hosts Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming delve into the concept of salvation and its transformative power. They emphasize that salvation is not limited to a one-time event but is a continual journey of drawing closer to God. The hosts discuss the significance of recognizing the image of God in every person, regardless of their faith background, and encourage listeners to seek out the “blue dots” within others. By living authentically and letting the blue (godly qualities) within them shine, believers can reflect God’s character and invite others into a deeper relationship with Him.

Key TakeawaysUnderstanding salvation as a story and journey, not just a one-time event.Recognizing the image of God in every person and the potential for reflecting God’s character.Moving from the image of God to the likeness of Jesus through a transformative process.Challenging in-group bias and embracing the truth that God is pursuing every heart.Emphasizing the importance of humility and dropping pride in interactions with others.The potency of living an authentic life that invites others to explore their own proximity to God.Bible ReferencesColossians 3:10: “Since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator.”

#Salvation #JourneyOfFaith #ImageOfGod #GodsCharacter #ProximityToGod #BlueDotHuntingAbout Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Co-hosted by Kevin Mannoia and Susanna Fleming, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin and Susanna every week as they encourage you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.