Every four years, thousands of people from Free Methodist Churches across the United States and around the world gather for General Conference to connect with brothers and sisters in Christ and consider important business that impacts the Free Methodist Church around the world.
News & Updates
Prior Experience: Glen Prior’s Journey
“I’ve accepted the fundamental truth of God and His Christ. Everything else is the journey.” Find out more about Rev. Glen Prior’s journey.
Pursuit of Wholeness: Charles Latchison’s Story
“Don’t be afraid of what’s around the next corner. God will definitely meet you there every time. And he’ll have direction and instruction.”
Annual Conference 2017
Annual Conference 2017 was filled with reminders of what it means to be Free Methodist and why we embrace the Freedoms that are deeply embedded in our “theology of love.”
The Dream Center
“Find a need, fill it. Find a hurt, heal it.” The Dream Center is a volunteer driven organization that finds and fills the needs of individuals and families in the Lake Elsinore community in Southern California.
Crossing Borders
With the Free Methodist freedoms at the core of what they do, New Hope Center is looking beyond race and national borders to share Christ and develop relationships.