Diversity in the Free Methodist Church with Dr. Tali Hairston

Pastors and Leaders,

To the end of our elected term, the Superintendent Team will focus on three main areas:

  1. Pastoral Health and Wholeness,
  2. Multiplication and Fruit, and
  3. Formation and Our Values.

All three of these focus areas are impacted by COVID-19 and the practical realities of stay-at-home orders, online services, and other necessary public health interventions. With any new reality we have faith that the Lord will continue to bless us and give us new opportunities.

One such opportunity that we have found great benefit from is the ability to gather from our homes and learn from experienced leaders across the country or even across the globe. This past year we asked Dr. Chris Adams to speak into our wholeness as leaders and Mike Chong Perkinson to lead us in a discussion about pastoring in this pandemic. The feedback has been so positive and these have been so helpful that in 2021, we are prioritizing having these gatherings monthly.

Starting in January, every third Thursday of the month from 12:00 – 1:30PM we will bring in an experienced leader to help us process how to best minister during this unprecedented time.

Diversity in the Free Methodist Church with Dr. Tali Hairston

Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 12pm

Join us Thursday, January 21 from 12pm to 1:30pm as Dr. Tali Hairston discusses diversity in the Free Methodist Church. Dr. Hairston has been working with the Board of Bishops, the Diversity Task Force of FMCUSA, and the Seattle Presbytery on community organization, advocacy, and development. For 17 years Tali was the founding director of the John M. Perkins Center for Reconciliation, Leadership Training, and Community Development at Seattle Pacific University emphasizing research and development of reconciliation, equity, and diversity. The center also provides service-learning and experiential education opportunities in justice, poverty, ethnicity, and cultural literacy for undergraduate students.

Called to engage the work of reconciliation and community development, the work has taken Tali all over the world, working with ministries and leaders from Cambodia to South Africa. Formed by these global experiences and inspired by his own family history as one of the largest enslaved families in American history, Tali is known for his gift to encourage and equip youth and young adults of all backgrounds to pursue God’s call and purpose to be and become.

Contact us to receive a link to join this webinar.

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