FMCSC Superintendent Search Process

May 12, 2021

In 2012 the FMCSC moved from a single-leader to a multiple-stationed (team) superintendent model. This decision was in part a response to our geographically growing conference and the determined need for increasing reasonable spans of care for our ministers. For two consecutive terms the superintendent team served as stationed superintendents filling concurrent roles as Lead Pastors in their local church (two-thirds time) as well as superintending a region in the conference (one-third time). In 2018 our current team was elected in the same model with one minor change as Superintendent Fraser and Superintendent Charles served in a stationed role while Superintendent Glen served the conference in a full-time role.

Over the past ten years the conference has benefited from a team approach in many ways and also learned where the structure has limitations. During this time, the Board of Administration and Superintendents have continued to consider how best to serve the conference through its shared leadership and structures. Every four years, at the conclusion of each Superintendent term, the benefits and deficiencies of a team leadership model have been evaluated. In anticipation of the upcoming transition for the current team in 2022, the Board of Administration and Superintendents have again completed this evaluation. At this time, and in cooperation with Bishop Whitehead, the Board and Superintendents are in agreement and have collectively determined that the work of the conference, the needs of our pastors, and the mission of the church will be best served by returning to the typical single-superintendent leadership structure at the conclusion of this term.

Our Free Methodist polity has designed the office of Superintendent along with its supporting structures, to be filled by a single leader. While the work of the Superintendency remains the same whether led by a single or multiple individuals, together we have recognized that the complexity of the work, the scalability of systems, and the need to harmonize and coordinate resources within the diversity of our conference depends on the clarity and integration of the mission and vision across all its experience and personnel. As such, we believe that the conference will be best served by a single Superintendent who is gifted with visionary leadership with high collaborative skills to execute the duties of the office.

As a result, at their January, 2021 meeting, the Board of Administration took action with overwhelming support to return to a Single Superintendent leadership model at the conclusion of the existing term at Annual Conference 2022. The Board has also undertaken an evaluation of staffing and organizational structures with the expectation that during this transition year the Board and Superintendents will prepare the conference structures to support this decision.

We are confident that this is the right direction for the conference at this time and that the outcome will be the fruitful development of godly competent leaders for the harvest. The Board also nominated a search committee to begin working with Bishop Whitehead for the purpose of identifying the best candidate to fill the role and they have begun to meet and pray for the work ahead. When the committee’s work is complete, the Bishop will communicate with all the current delegates to participate in an election process of the next Superintendent. If you have any questions about this decision or process, please feel free to reach out directly to the Superintendent Team or Board of Administration.


Marla Jamieson, Glen Prior, Evan Collins, Ted Jones, Kelly Roth, Hal Conklin, John Rittenhouse, Laura Warth, Carol Duberowski, Colleen Hurley-Bates, Soo Ji Alvarez, Joshua Canada, Hugh LInstrom, Ed Song, Donna Marshall, Kevin Boyce, Charles Latchison, Fraser Venter & Bishop Matt Whitehead.

A Message of Thanks from Expressions Church | Pastor Christopher Spolar
A Message of Thanks from Expressions Church | Pastor Christopher Spolar

Pastor Christopher Spolar shares his gratitude for the overwhelming support from our Free Methodist family following the recent fires. Standing in front of their temporary new church home, he reflects on the power of community and the hope we find in supporting one another.

Thank you to everyone who has supported Expressions Church through prayer, encouragement, and practical assistance. Together, we continue sharing hope with our community.

For updates and ways to help:

Clases de Ordenación en Español | FMCSC y ASOM 2025
Clases de Ordenación en Español | FMCSC y ASOM 2025

¡Nuevas oportunidades de educación ministerial en español! La Iglesia Metodista Libre en el Sur de California (FMCSC) y la Escuela de Ministerio Aldersgate (ASOM) ofrecen clases de ordenación completamente en español a partir de enero 2025.

Próximas Clases Online:
📚 Historia y Política: 27 de enero – 2 de febrero, 2025
📚 Teología Wesleyana: 3 de febrero – 6 de abril, 2025

Ideal para:
– Candidatos Ministeriales Locales (LMC)
– Ministros Licenciados Locales (LLM)
– Candidatos Ministeriales de Conferencia
– Líderes que buscan ordenación como Ancianos

Más información y registro:
📧 [email protected]

#IglesiaMetodistaLibre #EducaciónMinisterial #FMCSC #ASOM #Ordenación

Fresh Oil, Fresh Anointing – FMCSC Pastors’ Celebration 2025
Fresh Oil, Fresh Anointing – FMCSC Pastors’ Celebration 2025

FMCSC Pastors – join us for the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC) Pastors’ Celebration on February 22nd, 2025, at PazNaz in Pasadena. This special gathering features Bishop Kenny Martin as our guest speaker and worship led by Chapel of Change.

Experience authentic fellowship, uplifting worship, and spiritual renewal with your FMCSC family. Event includes:
• Coffee & fellowship starting at 9:30 AM
• Program from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
• Complimentary lunch
• Childcare available
• Spanish translation provided

RSVP by February 7th – check your email!
Location: PazNaz, Pasadena
Questions? Contact: [email protected]

#FMCSC #FreeMethodist #PastorsCelebration #SouthernCalifornia