2020 Incoming Elders – Ann Hansen

July 24, 2020

Each year the Free Methodist Church celebrates our incoming elders – leaders who have dedicated themselves to God’s work in the world. Ann Hansen shares her story of how she first experienced God in her life, how she made the decision to enter into ministry, and why she chose to serve in the Free Methodist Church.

# How did you first experience God and choose to follow Christ?

I grew up in a Christian home and was raised in the church. I knew Jesus and loved him from the time I was a little child and never doubted that He was the one true God and my Savior. God has always felt personal to me and I experienced various encounters with the Lord while growing up. When I was in high school, I remember having a moment in prayer with the Lord where I felt completely overwhelmed by the love and presence of God and at that moment – I surrendered everything to him, declaring that I would serve him and make him known for the rest of my life.

# How did the Spirit guide you to your current ministry and what has God called you to do through your ministry?

Nineteen years ago, my husband John Hansen was called to be the lead pastor of Centerpoint Church where we are serving right now. I came as his wife and was in a season of full-time mothering. However, in those years of full-time mothering, I also served the church in various capacities – preschool director, lifegroups director, momspace director, just whatever was needed of me! In 2014, I started a freedom prayer ministry which involves inner healing and deliverance. This ministry was birthed from my own encounters with the Lord that launched me into personal freedom and victory over past issues and wounds. I believe that God has called me to set the captives free through my own ministry, to teach and show others who the Father is and to show God’s children their true identity in Christ. I also believe the Lord has given me an assignment as an intercessor, to push back the darkness and push forward the Kingdom of Heaven through prayer.

# How did you come to first be involved with the Free Methodist Church and why have you chosen to continue your ministry as an Elder in the Free Methodist Church?

My husband and I learned about the Free Methodist Church when he was applying to be the lead pastor of a Free Methodist church – the Lamb’s Fellowship in Murrieta, which is now called Centerpoint Church. We had served in several other denominations and other churches that were non-denominational. When we came to the Lamb’s Fellowship, we had never even heard of Free Methodism. However, as we learned more about Free Methodism, we discovered that we were Free Methodists all along when it came to our theology and desire for a connectional system/church family. It was awesome to come into a church family where guidance and accountability were available through all levels from the bishops, superintendents and conference levels.

Through our 16 ½ years of being part of the Free Methodist Church, we have had many situations where we have had to draw on the help, wisdom and support of our superintendents and conference for various reasons and complexities. We have been thankful for the strength of our family. We are also grateful for the freedoms that are available to us as Free Methodists. It’s refreshing to have the freedom to pursue the expression of the Holy Spirit that is genuine and authentic to our specific community without having to conform to a specific mold. We are blessed to be Free Methodists in the FMCSC.

A Message of Thanks from Expressions Church | Pastor Christopher Spolar
A Message of Thanks from Expressions Church | Pastor Christopher Spolar

Pastor Christopher Spolar shares his gratitude for the overwhelming support from our Free Methodist family following the recent fires. Standing in front of their temporary new church home, he reflects on the power of community and the hope we find in supporting one another.

Thank you to everyone who has supported Expressions Church through prayer, encouragement, and practical assistance. Together, we continue sharing hope with our community.

For updates and ways to help: fmcsc.org/fire

Clases de Ordenación en Español | FMCSC y ASOM 2025
Clases de Ordenación en Español | FMCSC y ASOM 2025

¡Nuevas oportunidades de educación ministerial en español! La Iglesia Metodista Libre en el Sur de California (FMCSC) y la Escuela de Ministerio Aldersgate (ASOM) ofrecen clases de ordenación completamente en español a partir de enero 2025.

Próximas Clases Online:
📚 Historia y Política: 27 de enero – 2 de febrero, 2025
📚 Teología Wesleyana: 3 de febrero – 6 de abril, 2025

Ideal para:
– Candidatos Ministeriales Locales (LMC)
– Ministros Licenciados Locales (LLM)
– Candidatos Ministeriales de Conferencia
– Líderes que buscan ordenación como Ancianos

Más información y registro:
🌐 https://www.aldersgatesom.com/fmc
📧 [email protected]

#IglesiaMetodistaLibre #EducaciónMinisterial #FMCSC #ASOM #Ordenación

Fresh Oil, Fresh Anointing – FMCSC Pastors’ Celebration 2025
Fresh Oil, Fresh Anointing – FMCSC Pastors’ Celebration 2025

FMCSC Pastors – join us for the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC) Pastors’ Celebration on February 22nd, 2025, at PazNaz in Pasadena. This special gathering features Bishop Kenny Martin as our guest speaker and worship led by Chapel of Change.

Experience authentic fellowship, uplifting worship, and spiritual renewal with your FMCSC family. Event includes:
• Coffee & fellowship starting at 9:30 AM
• Program from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
• Complimentary lunch
• Childcare available
• Spanish translation provided

RSVP by February 7th – check your email!
Location: PazNaz, Pasadena
Questions? Contact: [email protected]

#FMCSC #FreeMethodist #PastorsCelebration #SouthernCalifornia