Videos and Podcasts

Looking for content for your congregation that will inspire, inform, or educate? The Free Methodist Church in Southern California has an active group of content producers creating podcasts and videos weekly. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates.

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Bishop E. Kenneth Martin’s Welcome Service: A Vision of Change and Unity
Bishop E. Kenneth Martin’s Welcome Service: A Vision of Change and Unity

Join us in reliving the remarkable service held on November 18th at Foothill Community Church, Azusa, CA, celebrating the inauguration of Rev. E. Kenneth Martin as a member of the Free Methodist Church USA Board of Bishops. This uplifting service encapsulates a journey of faith, leadership, and community.

The event was marked by poignant moments of worship, heartfelt prayers, and inspirational messages. Rev. Colleen Hurley Bates opened the service with a powerful prayer, setting a spiritual tone. Bishop Martin then shared his vision for the denomination, highlighting the themes of change, adaptability, and embracing the future with a godly perspective. The event concluded with Rev. Charles Latchison’s moving prayer, commissioning Bishop Martin and the FMCSC leadership.

This video captures the essence of the Free Methodist Church’s commitment to growth, unity, and being led by the Holy Spirit. Bishop Martin’s message, ‘Leading Change Begins with Me,’ emphasizes personal transformation as the catalyst for broader church and societal change. His call to authenticity and embracing new methods while staying rooted in scripture is both challenging and inspiring.

Whether you’re a member of the Free Methodist Church or simply seeking spiritual encouragement, this video is a testament to the power of faith-led leadership in challenging times.

Free Methodist Church in Southern California

Navigating Denominational Identity and Unity with Church of the Nazarene Leader Scott Daniels
Navigating Denominational Identity and Unity with Church of the Nazarene Leader Scott Daniels

Kevin Mannoia interviews Dr. Scott Daniels, the newly elected General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, about leading a global denomination through an era of theological and cultural change. They discuss the role of a denominational leader, the Wesleyan theological roots of the Nazarenes, maintaining unity amidst diversity, and key cultural issues like individualism, sexuality, and political polarization that are challenging denominations today. Dr. Daniels emphasizes the Nazarenes’ calling to be a centered set tradition that allows some diversity within boundaries, rather than a bounded set. He talks about pursuing Christ-centered unity across difference and leaning into the Spirit’s global work.

Key TakeawaysUnity in diversity is possible by emphasizing our shared gospel mission while allowing for different cultural expressions and emphases.Denominations can witness to the diversity of God’s work in different groups/movements.Cultural trends like individualism, changing views on sexuality, and political divides are challenging denominational unity.Denominational leaders carry an important burden of shepherding churches through challenging cultural moments.

Bible ReferencesJohn 17 – Jesus’ prayer for unity1 Corinthians 12:4-6 – Many members, one bodyEphesians 4:1-6 – Called to unity in the Spirit

KeywordsDenomination, Nazarene, Wesleyan, unity, diversity, leadership, culture

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Hosted by Kevin Mannoia, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin every week as he encourages you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Email: [email protected]:

Reaching Your Community: Living in the Tension with Brett and Aubrey Masters
Reaching Your Community: Living in the Tension with Brett and Aubrey Masters

In this episode, Kevin Mannoia has a thought-provoking conversation with Brett and Aubrey Masters of The Dream Center about living out the gospel through practical service while still upholding biblical values. They discuss the tension between showing unconditional Godly love while avoiding enabling harmful behaviors, building trust with people before speaking hard truths to them, focusing on building relationships over following strict rules, and pursuing unity with other churches despite theological differences.

The Masters share transparent stories of how they navigate this balance in their community outreach, emphasizing that their role is to reflect Christ to people, not to convict them. They explain the difference between allowing short-term hurt versus long-term harm, and stress the importance of walking in personal holiness so that sin does not scare them as they engage people. Overall, they model how Christians can step into darkness unafraid because they know Christ has won the ultimate victory, and how unity in Christ matters more than uniformity in opinion or practice.

Key TakeawaysOur role is to reflect Christ, not convictThere’s short-term hurt versus long-term harmWalk in holiness, so sin doesn’t scare usStep into darkness unafraid, because Christ has wonSeek unity in Christ, not uniformity in opinionBible ReferencesPhilippians 2:5-8 – Christ’s humility1 Corinthians 13:1-3 – Without love, nothingJohn 3:17 – Jesus came to save, not condemnEphesians 4:1-6 – Called to unity in faithKeywordsUnity, compassion, conviction, transformation, relationships, trust

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Hosted by Kevin Mannoia, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin every week as he encourages you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Email: [email protected]:

Reaching Your Community: Engaging Your Community with Compassion with Brett and Aubrey Masters
Reaching Your Community: Engaging Your Community with Compassion with Brett and Aubrey Masters

In this episode of Anchored & Reaching, host Kevin Mannoia is joined by Brett and Aubrey Masters, leaders of the Dream Center in Lake Elsinore, CA. They discuss how compassionate engagement with the community stems from God’s love and transforms lives. Brett and Aubrey share about the Dream Center’s outreach initiatives, including Adopt-A-Block, a food pantry, youth programs, and plans to revitalize a historic hotel into a discipleship training center. They emphasize meeting felt needs first to build trust and relationships. As people experience tangible expressions of Christ’s love, it opens doors to share the Gospel. Engaging communities takes perseverance, but seeing lives change is powerful. Ultimately it’s about living out the theology of God’s passionate pursuit of humanity.

Key TakeawaysStart by meeting physical, tangible needs – build trust and relationshipLoving action must be integrated, not just empty deedsActivity teaches our hearts and transforms usEngagement happens through hands-on experience and mentoringGod does “on-the-job training” as we step out of comfort zonesChanged people change communities when rooted in God’s loveBible VersesMatthew 9:35-38 – Jesus’ compassion for the crowds as sheep without a shepherd1 John 3:18 – Love with actions and in truth, not just wordsJames 2:14-17 – Faith without works is deadKeywordscommunity, compassion, love, outreach, evangelism, discipleship, social justice, relationships, service

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Hosted by Kevin Mannoia, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin every week as he encourages you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Email: [email protected]:

Reaching Your Community: Building Trust to Transform a Community with Brett and Aubrey Masters
Reaching Your Community: Building Trust to Transform a Community with Brett and Aubrey Masters

In this episode, Kevin interviews Brett and Aubrey, co-founders of the Dream Center in Lake Elsinore, CA. They share their journey in launching this outreach ministry to holistically restore their disadvantaged community. They realized the local church was not making enough of an impact, so they started knocking on doors to understand people’s needs. After building trust through consistent presence and perseverance, they now lead an organization partnering with churches, businesses, and residents to meet tangible needs and rejuvenate their city.

Key TakeawaysStart by listening to people’s needs rather than preaching at themBuild trust through consistent presence and perseveranceHave a compelling vision that appeals to people’s desire to give beyond themselvesPartner with local churches, businesses, government, and residents around a shared love for your cityBible ReferencesMatthew 28:19-20 – Going out to make disciplesJames 1:27 – Religion that God accepts as pure is caring for widows and orphans1 John 3:17-18 – Loving others through actions, not just wordsKeywordscommunity transformation, outreach ministry, holistic ministry, relational ministry, missional church

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Hosted by Kevin Mannoia, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin every week as he encourages you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Email: [email protected]:

Reaching Your Community: Developing a Holistic Vision for Community Engagement
Reaching Your Community: Developing a Holistic Vision for Community Engagement

In this conversation on “Social Justice or Heart Purity,” Kevin and Susanna explore an important tension that can emerge within Christian communities – the dichotomy between personal piety and social action. They explain that these values are not actually in opposition, but work hand-in-hand as part of God’s holiness transforming individuals and society. Serving others shapes our hearts as much as inner transformation compels us to serve. They discuss how cultural values like individualism in the West can lead to an unbalanced focus on private spirituality, as well as the role of spiritual disciplines and motives in community engagement. Throughout, Kevin and Susanna make the case for a holistic vision of faith that integrates both personal and social dimensions of following Jesus.

Key TakeawaysPersonal holiness and social holiness are two sides of the same coin – we need both to fully reflect God’s character.Our faith shouldn’t be reduced to just private piety or activism alone. We need community and action.Serving others can purify our hearts as much as heart transformation leads us to serve. It goes both ways.We engage in “spiritual disciplines” not to prove ourselves, but to be shaped more into Christ’s image.Motives matter – we serve out of identity, not guilt. But God meets us where we are.

Bible VersesMicah 6:8 – God requires us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humblyIsaiah 58 – True “worship” involves caring for the poor and oppressedMatthew 25:31-46 – We serve Jesus himself by serving “the least of these”

KeywordsHoliness, social justice, community transformation, spiritual disciplines, worship

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Hosted by Kevin Mannoia, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin every week as he encourages you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Email: [email protected]:

Navigating Change and Pursuing Unity: A Conversation with Bishop Kenny Martin
Navigating Change and Pursuing Unity: A Conversation with Bishop Kenny Martin

In this episode, host Kevin Mannoia speaks with Bishop Kenny Martin, who was recently elected as one of the newest Bishops of the Free Methodist Church. They discuss Bishop Martin’s vision for change, empowering the next generation of leaders, and pursuing greater unity within the church and across denominational lines. Bishop Martin shares insights from his decades of ministry experience and his passion for bringing diverse groups together for kingdom impact.

Key TakeawaysChange is urgently needed for denominations to be effective in today’s culture. This will require coming out of comfort zones.Next generation leaders must be equipped and given influence to guide necessary changes.Unity among denominations and diverse groups is essential so the watching world sees the church as one.Apostolic, visionary leadership can catalyze change when led humbly, relationally and in tune with God’s Spirit.

Bible ReferencesJohn 17:20-23 – Jesus prays for unity among believersEphesians 4:1-6 – One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one body and one SpiritRevelation 7:9 – People of every nation, tribe, people and language worshiping God

KeywordsChange, leadership, unity, denominations, apostolic

About Anchored & Reaching”Anchored & Reaching” is a thought-provoking weekly podcast designed for curious Christians who aspire to impact the world while remaining deeply rooted in their faith. Hosted by Kevin Mannoia, each episode features engaging conversations, practical insights, and diverse perspectives from Christian leaders who embody the dual values of being anchored in Christ and actively reaching out to the world. Join Kevin every week as he encourages you to live a dynamic Christian life, grounded in biblical truth and fueled by a passion for positive change.

Email: [email protected]:

AB506 Training Requirements for Churches in California – What You Need to Know
AB506 Training Requirements for Churches in California – What You Need to Know

This video covers the key requirements of AB506, a new California law impacting youth organizations including churches. Learn about mandatory fingerprint background checks, abuse prevention training, and policy requirements. Get the information you need to comply with AB506 and keep kids safe.

# Helpful Links
California AB-506 Complete Text

Pacific Coast Network Leadership Training

Kingdom One – Above Reproach

Expressing Life – Church Leaders and Members
Expressing Life – Church Leaders and Members

Acclaimed pastor, professor, and chaplain, Kevin Mannoia, has released a new book, “Expressing Life,” aiming to redefine the way scholars and students approach Christian education. The book serves as a primer for integrating faith with academic study, fostering a deeper understanding of God through the pursuit of truth.

In “Expressing Life,” Mannoia leverages his comprehensive experience from various leadership roles, to emphasize the inseparable mission of the Church and academia. He challenges the long-standing divide between these entities, advocating for unity in faith and learning.

The book highlights that all truth originates from God and therefore, every academic pursuit is a spiritual journey. It posits that Christian education isn’t a deviation from spirituality but a means to discover more about God.

For scholars and students in Christian higher education, “Expressing Life” offers a fresh perspective, emphasizing the vital role they play in the spiritual journey through their academic pursuits. Mannoia’s message is a timely contribution to Christian education, advocating for a seamless integration of faith and learning.

“Expressing Life” is now available on Amazon: