Videos and Podcasts

Looking for content for your congregation that will inspire, inform, or educate? The Free Methodist Church in Southern California has an active group of content producers creating podcasts and videos weekly. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates.

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Course Introduction – Recording and Live Streaming
Course Introduction – Recording and Live Streaming

Are you a church pastor, worship leader, or media tech who’s been put in charge of recording and live streaming your services and wondering how to get started? This series is all about giving you the tools and resources to help you ask the right questions, make informed decisions, and get up and running faster than you might expect.

This introduction to the video series will help you decide if these videos are for you and give you a place to start your journey producing content for your community.

Created by the communications team for the Free Methodist Church in Southern California for anyone looking to build better community connections online. Make sure to subscribe to get alerts when new videos are added to this course.

# Links
– Free Methodist Church in Southern California –
– DSLR Video Shooter –
– Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) –
– Divi Theme for WordPress –
– WordPress –

Recording vs. Live Streaming – Recording and Live Streaming
Recording vs. Live Streaming – Recording and Live Streaming

Are you a church pastor, worship leader, or media tech who’s been put in charge of recording and live streaming your services and wondering how to get started? This series is all about giving you the tools and resources to help you ask the right questions, make informed decisions, and get up and running faster than you might expect.

Deciding between pre-recording a message and streaming live can be difficult, especially if you don’t know all of your options. We review the pros and cons of both approaches and consider a hybrid approach that builds on best practices and gives us freedom to experiment.

Created by the communications team for the Free Methodist Church in Southern California for anyone looking to build better community connections online. Make sure to subscribe to get alerts when new videos are added to this course.

# Links
– Free Methodist Church in Southern California –
– Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) –

Prayers and Encouragement for Ministry Leaders and Congregations
Prayers and Encouragement for Ministry Leaders and Congregations

Superintendent Fraser Venter encourages us all to bring God’s love and hope to people around us that may be feeling confused or frightened during this time of increased infections from COVID-19.

To find out more about how the Free Methodist Church in Southern California is equipping our ministry leaders to do ministry at this time, please visit:

COVID-19 Information for Ministries
COVID-19 Information for Ministries

As we face growing concerns over the spread of COVID-19, we would like to offer words of care, guidance and encouragement.

For those already affected in a number of ways including those having contracted the virus, those quarantined as a result of potential exposure, or those affected by travel restrictions, closed schools or the like, we extend our prayers. In fact, we encourage the entire Church to be in fervent and earnest prayer for one another, for our communities and the global efforts being engaged to contain the spread of the virus.

We also want to extend words of guidance for our local congregations so that you continue to take the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of the people in your care.

Matthew Thomas – Conference Ministerial Candidate Address
Matthew Thomas – Conference Ministerial Candidate Address

We all know what a pastor is… right? Bishop emeritus Matthew Thomas walks a group of ministerial candidates through his experience with what a biblical and practical model for pastoral ministry looks like and how it plays out within the Free Methodist Church in Southern California.

Opening Message – Fraser Venter
Opening Message – Fraser Venter

Pastors Gathering 2019 – In September, pastors and leaders from across Southern California gathered to pray, worship, and share each other’s burdens in community.

Passing the Peace – Glen Prior
Passing the Peace – Glen Prior

Pastors Gathering 2019 – In September, pastors and leaders from across Southern California gathered to pray, worship, and share each other’s burdens in community.