Join us December 3 as we look to Jesus for simple and profound solutions to the challenges to ministry that come from a pandemic that has left us with a lingering sense of uncertainty and anxiety.
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Seek the Lord Together
Join your Free Methodist Church family as we seek God in prayer throughout the month of November.
Light & Life Isla Vista – Not Staying the Same
At Light & Life Isla Vista, we are not trying to maintain the status quo, but strive to frame the pandemic and other upheavals of 2020 as divine opportunities.
Ministry in the Time of COVID-19 – Emmanuel Free Methodist Church
Reverend Gerardo Ortiz, pastor at Emmanuel Free Methodist Church, and Joe Mendoza, president of Ministry of Jerusalem, share how God prepared them to meet the needs of their community and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hermon Church Español
Desde el comienzo de la pandemia Hermon Church Español comenzó asumir el reto de continuar siendo iglesia pero ahora de manera virtual.
Ministry in the time of COVID-19 – Hermon Free Methodist Church
Reverend Chris Dodridge, lead pastor at Hermon Free Methodist Church, shares how maintaining connection during the pandemic has allowed the church to share in the struggles and triumphs of their community.
Ministry in the time of COVID-19 – Dream Center Lake Elsinore
Reverend Brett Masters, lead pastor at Dream Center, Lake Elsinore, shares how the ministry at the Dream Center has adapted to the realities of the COVID-19 virus in Southern California.
Changing How the Church Approaches COVID-19
With increased infections, daily numbers of deaths rising, and the life-altering, long-term impacts of COVID-19 becoming clearer, it’s time to change the conversation about COVID-19.
COVID-19 Guidance: Churches Should Not Reopen at This Time
The conference recommends that all FMCSC churches delay reopening for at least three weeks.