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There’s always something going on in the Free Methodist Church in Southern California. If you have a story you would like to share with the Conference, let us know!

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Shining Light on the Virus of Racism

We’ve seen this story before, but this time it feels like something might be different. Maybe it’s because we’re in the middle of a pandemic of global proportions that has put in stark relief the real nature of our sickness?

Doing Justice in an Unjust World
Doing Justice in an Unjust World

On February 23, 2020, a young Black Man named Ahmaud Arbery was murdered by three men who believed they had the right to deprive him of his life and right to due process. This is frustrating and heartbreaking.

Guidelines for Reopening FMCSC Churches
Guidelines for Reopening FMCSC Churches

Like you, we long to return to physically worshiping together. In the hope of this, now is the time to begin thinking about how this will happen.

Before You Live Stream: Personal Care
Before You Live Stream: Personal Care

Superintendent Fraser Venter shares how God can meet our needs… if we allow. Part one of a five part series on pastoring during crisis.

Practical Tips for Remotely Managing Church Teams

Jon Sato, Assistant Superintendent for Administration of the Free Methodist Church in Southern California (FMCSC), reflects on the last seven years of working with and leading a remote ministry team.