Director of Multiplication, Mike Chong Perkinson
Church multiplication is the process of establishing Christ-centered communities that reveal God’s love in their unique context. This goes beyond merely planting new churches; it involves nurturing spiritual life within diverse groups of people. Church multiplication matters because every person deserves an opportunity to experience the Gospel embodied in their culture and language.
The Free Methodist Church Southern California (FMCSC) created the Kingdom Multiplication Group (KMG) specifically to foster this vision. Under the direction of Mike Chong Perkinson, the Director of Multiplication, KMG assesses, trains and resources leaders to plant life-giving faith communities. They believe multiplication starts by helping leaders identify the unique gifting Christ has placed inside them.
Equipping spiritual pioneers requires Proverbs-style wisdom and patience. Mike explains, “A church plant is not a church. It’s figuring out how to become a church.” They walk with leaders exploring how to translate the Gospel to reach their community effectively. KMG longs to see the day when diverse church plants permeate Southern California, providing avenues for all people to embrace their true identity as beloved children of God.
Bishop E. Kenneth Martin and Estelle Martin provide care and food to unhoused people in San Bernardino through the Kingdom Cathedral.
The Heart Behind Church Multiplication
At its core, church multiplication is about intimacy with God and others. As Jesus told his disciples, the greatest commandments are to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-39). This agape love compels us to share the hope within us, that more people may know the truth and be set free.
Mike explains that without a caring connection to God and others, “none of this works.” Programmatic structures become lifeless rather than life-giving. The movement must flow from willing hearts transformed by Christ’s love. For Mike, effectiveness stems from alignment not just with principles but with the passionate nature of God: “Love has to create and express itself. Otherwise it’s not love.” If we wish to expand the Kingdom, we must nurture spiritual life through communities where people experience redemptive love in action. The goal isn’t to construct superficial conversions, but to instill sustained life change touching generations to come.
The Assessment and Training Process: Calling Out the Jesus in Each Leader
The Kingdom Multiplication Group utilizes a holistic, Spirit-led assessment process Mike calls “calling out the Jesus” in each leader. They employ evaluation of spiritual gift scientific tools while making space to prophetically discern the anointing and design placed inside candidates by God.
KMG does not simply assess skill competency, but nurtures identity. As Mike explains: “We assess the Jesus that they have been given…who they are as beloved sons and daughters, how they are designed to serve, and their unique giftings.” This starts with four key questions framed around “who” rather than “what” in order to draw out the inmost being:
- Who is the person before me?
- What is the Holy Spirit presently doing in their lives?
- What is their true Christ-given identity and design?
- Do they play well with others?
The end goal moves beyond approval into alignment – aligning who leaders are with Who has called them for a unique kingdom purpose. Mike states: “It’s usually self-discovery.” As leaders grow in self and God awareness, they gain confidence to plant contextual expressions of church that speak to their community.
The Abbey, a gathering of believers in Carlsbad, CA that are entering their next phase of forming a portable church while continuing addiction recovery groups and pursuing Matthew 25 humanitarian service missions.
Next Steps: Cultivating a Culture of Multiplication
Mike Chong Perkinson and the Kingdom Multiplication Group have a bold vision to catalyze a culture where every Free Methodist church actively makes disciples who make disciples. What are key next steps to see this become a reality?
First, the foundational posture must be set. Mike explains leaders must reconnect to “why we got called and captivated by God’s love… to give away what He gave me.” Without this motivation, structures crumble. Next is equipping pastors and emerging leaders with practical skills to reproduce spiritual life.
Mike aims to develop training cohorts over the next year focused on topics such as:
- Creating a multiplication culture
- Making and multiplying disciples
- Identifying and developing leaders
- Joining the Spirit in expanding God’s Kingdom
He is also raising up a Spanish-speaking training team so churches have resources in their heart language.
An essential component is leadership development pathways that deploy ministers to revitalize existing churches while assessing and coaching future planters. Churches must have visible avenues to activate their divine callings. The goal, Mike says, is “helping leaders own their growth to become lifelong learners” for maximum kingdom impact.
The invitation Mike extends church-wide is into “abundant harvest.” He urges leaders to inquire about assessment while asking all believers to give financially, unite through prayer, and offer practical support to fuel this multiplication movement. What began as a few assessed church plants is transforming into a growing network of life-giving faith communities reflecting Christ throughout Southern California and beyond.
Based in Whittier, CA, Revolution Church continues to support their community through addiction recovery support, small groups, and baptism.
An Invitation to Every Church
Multiplication takes all kinds of forms beyond church planting. Mike casts vision for a movement where each congregation leverages their gifts to expand the Kingdom. What unique role can your church play?
He urges believers to steward resources God has given, whether financial provision, a talent for communication, or simply time and willingness. Consider how your offerings can fuel multiplication in places lacking capacity.
Prayer is the backbone enabling the advance of this ministry. Intercede for planters mentioned below. Ask God to open doors of connection into communities resistant to the Gospel across your city. Plead for spiritual hunger that compels all people to seek truth and life.
And take a bold step of obedience yourself! Mike implores each of us: “Whatever boulder you want to throw in to make a big splash, I’m game. Let’s throw the biggest one to get the biggest splash.” As we join together as a community of churches committed to seeing God’s will done in our world, an exponential Kingdom breakthrough occurs.
We all have a next step to spur Kingdom multiplication within our circle of influence, our region, and the world beyond. Will you join this divinely ordained movement? Will you give yourself to the lifelong process of being nourished and nourisher, taught and teacher, healed and healer as part of Christ’s plan for reconciliation?
The fields are ready and waiting. Lift up your eyes and see!
Read the 2023 KMG Impact Report Find Out About Church Planting
Pray for Our Growing Communities
- Bell Gardens, La Promesa
- Carlsbad, The Abbey
- Los Angeles, Ministerio Cristiano Monte Hermon
- Los Angeles, Orphan City Church
- Los Angeles, Transformados En Cristo
- Los Angeles, Verdugo Arabic Free Methodist Church
- Murrieta, Living Stones Church
- Palmdale, The Passion
- San Bernardino, Centro Nueva Esperanza de San Bernardino
- San Bernardino, Kingdom Cathedral
- Westminster, Free Life Community Church
- Whittier, Revolution Church
- Upland, Upward Church