Empower Communities this Giving Tuesday with FMCSC

As Giving Tuesday approaches, the Free Methodist Church of Southern California (FMCSC) invites you to explore the profound impact of Tzedakah, a form of charitable giving distinct from traditional tithing. While tithing, as outlined in Scripture, supports the operational needs of the church akin to the maintenance of the temple and its ministers, Tzedakah focuses on altruistic giving to those in need within our wider community. This Giving Tuesday, we embrace this spirit of Tzedakah, extending our support and compassion beyond the walls of our church.


Earthquake damage in Haiti. Courtesy World Vision.

Earthquake damage in Haiti. Courtesy World Vision.


Bishop’s Crisis Response Fund: A Beacon of Hope

The Bishop’s Crisis Response Fund serves as a crucial support system, not only in war-torn areas like Gaza and Ukraine but also in regions affected by natural disasters such as Malawi, Haiti, and Turkey. Your contributions enable us to provide essential aid, like food and medical supplies, to those grappling with these crises. Learn more and contribute at Bishop’s Crisis Response Fund.


Thursday food pantry prep at Centro Nueva Esperanza, San Bernardino.

Thursday food pantry prep at Centro Nueva Esperanza, San Bernardino.


Local Action: Food Pantries – A Vital Community Resource

Our local food pantries are the first line of defense against food insecurity in our communities. These essential facilities offer more than just sustenance; they represent the church in action, serving as a living testament to our commitment to those in need. By volunteering your time or making a monetary donation, you help sustain and grow these crucial community resources. Support your local food pantry to make a direct impact in your community.

If your church doesn’t already have a food pantry, consider supporting the work at DC Pantry, at Dream Center Lake Elsinore, an FMCSC ministry.


UNO+ at Pura Vida Church, Esterillos, Costa Rica

UNO+ at Pura Vida Church, Esterillos, Costa Rica


Free Methodist World Missions: Reviving Global Generosity

In a world where local ministries often receive the lion’s share of support, the need for global evangelism remains critical. Studies show a concerning decline in missions giving over the last three decades. FMCSC is dedicated to changing this trend. By supporting Free Methodist World Missions, you help spread the Gospel and serve communities worldwide. Learn more at Free Methodist World Missions.


FMCSC Ministry Partners

We’re proud to collaborate with several outstanding organizations, each playing a unique role in our combined efforts to improve lives:


Together, We Can Make a Difference

Your participation this Giving Tuesday is more than just a donation; it’s an act of love and compassion that embodies Christ’s teachings. Join us in making a meaningful difference, both near and far.

Recent News & Updates

Community Response: Stories of Impact and Ongoing Support
Community Response: Stories of Impact and Ongoing Support

As our communities continue responding to the wildfires’ impact, we’re witnessing incredible examples of church family in action. Here’s how your support is making a difference and where help is still needed.