Nominations for FMCSC Boards and Committees due March 12th

It’s that time of year again to think about who you would like to nominate to serve on our FMCSC boards and committees.

Take some time to consider who among your church leadership (both lay and clergy) you would like to nominate. In the last few years, the Nominating Committee has been working diligently to increase the diversity of voices on our boards and committees (rather than having the same folks from the same churches serving over and over). Toward that end, we are really hoping to hear from all of our church pastors.

For those of you who represent our Church Planting Projects, Emerging Ministry Points, and Affiliate Congregations, you have a unique role in our conference representation. You may nominate any of your FMC elders or CMCs (and we would love for you to do so!). However, the first qualification for conference service is membership and by Book of Discipline standard, Church Planting Projects, Emerging Ministry Points, and Affiliate Congregations primary role is to prepare individuals for membership when they become a Fellowship or Society. Until that time they are preparatory members. If they have interest in serving the conference, we would love to connect with them and see how we can help develop towards that goal in the future.


Download Invitation Graphics


This year we have the following vacancies that need to be filled:

Board of Administration (BOA)

  • Laity: 4
  • Elders: 2

Finance Committee

  • No open positions at this time

Ministerial Education and Guidance (MEG)

  • Laity: 6
  • Elder: 2

Ministerial Appointments Committee (MAC)

  • Laity: 2

Nominating Committee

  • No open positions at this time

You can visit our website with position descriptions to help you determine who in your leadership circles might best fit our needs. Along with the specific position qualifications, we are asking that candidates also have the following basic qualifications:

  • Must be an active member in good standing at a local FMC
  • Commit to taking the two essential courses (History & Polity, Wesleyan Theology)
  • Commit to ongoing training offered by the conference
  • Faithful practice of spiritual disciplines, biblical study, and self-care
  • Practices financial stewardship at the local level
  • Willingness to use technology for collaborative work
  • Committed to attend all meetings
  • Engaged and collaborative board member

Once you have identified your potential candidates, please make sure that you discuss with your nominee your desire to recommend them. If they are willing to stand for office, you can submit your nomination through our website, which will prompt you with several questions, including your nominee’s phone number and email address.

Nominations must be submitted by Tuesday, March 12th. This will allow us time to reach out to your nominees to discuss their nomination with them and to finalize the process before voting at the Annual Conference in May.

Again, our desire as your Nominating Committee is to have as much representation as possible on our boards and committees. By submitting your nominations, you increase the likelihood of your church having representation in FMCSC leadership.

Thank you so much for all that you are doing in service to the Kingdom.


The Nominating Committee
Liz Cornell, Briana Greer, Emmanuel Moon, Mary Nielsen, Jeff Oriero, Refugio Sanchez, Lindsey Sinnott


Resources for Your Congregation

Click the thumbnails below to download presentation graphics and printable postcards to invite people to nominate leaders.

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