Throughout the month of January, we are highlighting the work we do together as the Free Methodist Church in Southern California through year-end reports shared by the people who serve us all in the boards and committees of the conference.
About the Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing for the Annual Conference a list of nominations for positions vacated by either resignations or expiration of terms and reviewing board and committee memberships in light of the standing rules of the annual conference. As with all Free Methodist Church leadership, the board is composed of an equal number of ministerial and lay (non-ordained) leaders.
Soo Ji Alvarez, Chair, Nominating Committee
Did you know that one of the principles that distinguishes Free Methodism from other denominations is the importance placed on what we call lay leadership? These are leaders who are called by God to serve but aren’t ordained as Elders in the Free Methodist Church.
Former superintendent Denny Wayman listed “Freedom of the laity and clergy to be given equal authority and decision-making.” as one of the five most important freedoms. This means that even as a lay person your voice has value and can be heard! You can make a difference!
Serving on a committee or board helps you to connect with other Free Methodists in your area. Committees and boards are formed with folks from all over Southern California. This is a great way to get to know them. If you are part of a board or committee, you will also get to know the folks you are serving.
Ways to Use Your Gifts
No matter what your gifts are, we need you. Whether your gifts are with people, finances, or administration, there is a place for you.
Let me tell you a little bit about each board and committee and give you a sense for how God might use you to impact the world.
Ministerial Education and Guidance Board
The Ministerial Education and Guidance Board (also known as the MEG) is responsible for the qualification, formation, and ongoing accountability of FMC Ministers and pastoral candidates.
For people who love to mentor and shepherd people in the journey with God, this is a great way to help people on their path toward eldership.
Ministerial Appointments Committee
The Ministerial Appointments Committee (or MAC) deploys ministers into ministry service within the conference, annually accounts for the placement of all FMCSC ministers, and assesses the ongoing needs and ministry effectiveness of FMCSC ministers through local church delegates.
This is an incredible opportunity for people who want to make a difference in how the Free Methodist Church is impacting local communities across Southern California. You get to help with the placement of pastors in those communities, matching up ministry gifts with the needs of a particular church or area.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a standing sub-committee of the BOA which reviews the financial activity for conference operations and all groups of the FMCSC and makes recommendations to the BOA for action.
If you have a head/knack/gift for finance and accounting, we need your budgeting and planning know-how.
Board of Administration
The Board of Administration functions as the Annual Conference between conference seatings and creates and manages the policy of the conference.
If you have administrative skills, this is a great way to have a say in how we make the work of the church effective and meaningful.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee identifies and prequalifies godly, competent leaders for nomination to conference boards and committees.
If you love people – getting to know them and helping them discern their spiritual gifts and talents – then you might be perfect for the Nominating Committee.
We Need Your Help
The Nominating Committee would LOVE your help this next year identifying strong clergy and lay leaders for all of the conference committees. This year, we also need to identify both lay and clergy who will serve as delegates at General Conference in 2023.
I will be asking all of you very soon to help us in that process. All names submitted for board and committee leadership, or conference delegation are interviewed and vetted by the Nominating Committee. The final selection of names is placed on a ballot for your vote leading up to Annual Conference this May.
We appreciate your partnership in the leadership of our conference and can’t wait to see what God is going to do through our amazing, gifted leaders this next year!