Discover the Free Methodist Way with the Board of Bishops

“What if there were no Free Methodists?” Have you ever asked that question? Have you ever wondered what makes us unique and different from other church groups? Have you asked yourself “Why should I be part of this movement?”

The Free Methodist Way is an initiative led by the Board of Bishops to answer those questions, clarifying the values that allow the Free Methodist Church to have a voice now:

  • Life-Giving Holiness
  • Love-Driven Justice
  • Christ-Compelled Multiplication
  • Cross-Cultural Collaboration
  • God-Given Revelation

In understanding what makes us unique, we are then able to live into our distinct culture and have an impact on a world that is looking for Christians who live what they say they believe.

Join us Thursday, February 18 from 12 to 1:30pm as the Board of Bishops (Linda Adams, Keith Cowart, and Matthew Whitehead) share their own perspectives and stories about what the Free Methodist Way is and what it means to them. We’ll allow for time to interact and discuss how the Free Methodist Way can and should impact our churches and ministries.

Recent News & Updates

Tacos and Theology – January 8, 2025
Tacos and Theology – January 8, 2025

Tacos & Theology is a free lunch and faith discussion for ministry leaders. Join us on January 8, 2025 at 12pm at Cucamonga Christian Fellowship.