This Easter – See the Invisible

“I always feel like…somebody’s watching me”
– TobyMac or Rockwell / Michael Jackson

As we approach this Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I am often reminded of the different things we need to check-off in preparation before the weekend, during the weekend and after the weekend. Yes, even after the weekend… the debriefing. One of the questions I expect to come up will be to estimate (or even guess-timate) how many views did we get, now that we’re celebrating Easter with an online service? How many people do we believe were watching us? It is with this expectation; I want to give you a word of encouragement.

Even though there is no real way to tell how many people are actually watching your live stream, I promise you, there are exponentially more watching you than your live stream. As a matter of fact, they are watching your preparation, your planning, your ministering, and even watching your debriefing. This is why I want to infuse you with courage and confidence going into Resurrection weekend—whether you have one iPhone or six 4K cameras. And this is for every pastor, every worship leader, every minister, every intercessor and everyone who is involved in ministering this weekend. 

My prayer is that the Lord will open your eyes to see the obvious: God’s Reality. I pray that the Lord would open your eyes to see the invisible. I assure you that regardless of how many people are watching your live stream or not watching your live stream, there are more for you than those who are against you.

I am asking the Lord to open your eyes like Elisha’s servant:

In 2 Kings 6:17-18, the scripture says, Elisha prayed for the Lord to open his servant’s eyes that he might see, and the Lord opened his eyes and “Behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” I want you to know they are still there. The army of heaven is still fully functional, organized, and ready to move at the initiation of your intercession: what you pray, and what you prophesy (preach). 

I am also thinking of the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us (Heb. 12:1). “…let us lay aside every weight, and sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” In other words, let us not doubt the readiness of God to save and bless this weekend, even during a pandemic!

Friends, allow me to suggest that there are a myriad of angel warriors and witnesses surrounding every effort that is done for the means of God and His Kingdom, who are looking forward to this weekend as much as we are. Do not give much concern to who’s watching or not watching (at least, what’s not appropriate—we do need to practice wise leadership). Each one of you who stands before a camera this weekend, rest assured that this revelation of heaven’s witnesses is intended to encourage and embolden our preparation, our ministering, and our debrief. Beloved, stand strong and be free to be who God made you, called you, and anointed you to be. Whatever challenge or opposition may be in front of you; real, emotional, psychological, technological, or even imaginative; it pales in comparison to the measure of the host of heaven that stands beside you, wanting you to prosper, not just this weekend, but also in this season.

So, woman of God and man of God, stand strong, stand boldly, and stand joyfully; reminding the world that everything it is hoping for has already been answered: on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross where Jesus died for us all. Yes, Jesus died, and rose again, just like the scripture promised (Luke 24:6a; John 11:25-26), with all power in His hand, that whosoever would believe upon would not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16)—stepping out of death, stepping out of oppression, and stepping out of fears into their tomorrows filled with joy, fulfillment, and purpose with the promise of heaven and a relationship with God.

He is risen! He is risen indeed!!!

On behalf of the superintendent team,
Superintendent Charles Latchison

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