Over the past year you have been asked to respond to challenges for which none of us knew to prepare. As you consider the decision to return to indoor worship, we ask that your leadership enter into a time of prayerful reflection.
Noticias y actualizaciones
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Cambiando la manera en que la Iglesia aborda el COVID-19
Con el aumento de infecciones, el aumento de las cifras diarias de muertes y los impactos a largo plazo que alteran la vida del COVID-19 cada vez más claros, es hora de cambiar la conversación sobre el COVID-19.
Orientación sobre el COVID-19: las iglesias no deberían reabrir en este momento
The conference recommends that all FMCSC churches delay reopening for at least three weeks.
Información adicional sobre la Conferencia Anual 2020
We wanted to send an update on a few specific matters typically part of Annual Conference to keep you all informed.
Respuesta de la conferencia al llamado del presidente para la reapertura de la iglesia
In light of President Trump’s call for churches to open immediately, it is important that we remember to first be a people who are committed to love and wisdom before we consider regathering.
Declaración de la conferencia sobre el levantamiento de las restricciones a las reuniones
As you begin your planning to reopen programs and services in the future, we recommend that you seriously consider the impact any and all gatherings will have on those we serve.
Pautas para la reapertura de las iglesias de la FMCSC
Like you, we long to return to physically worshiping together. In the hope of this, now is the time to begin thinking about how this will happen.
Reflexiones pastorales: Liderazgo en tiempos de crisis
Superintendent Glen Prior reminds us that trials are the times in which we see the fruit of our leadership.
Términos actualizados para el Programa de Protección de Cheques de Pago
On Friday we sent you information on the Paycheck Protection Program. The government has released new terms that you should review immediately.