In this episode, host Kevin Mannoia speaks with Bishop Kenny Martin, who was recently elected as one of the newest Bishops of the Free Methodist Church. They discuss Bishop Martin’s vision for change, empowering the next generation of leaders, and pursuing greater unity within the church and across denominational lines. Bishop Martin shares insights from his decades of ministry experience and his passion for bringing diverse groups together for kingdom impact.
Key TakeawaysChange is urgently needed for denominations to be effective in today’s culture. This will require coming out of comfort zones.Next generation leaders must be equipped and given influence to guide necessary changes.Unity among denominations and diverse groups is essential so the watching world sees the church as one.Apostolic, visionary leadership can catalyze change when led humbly, relationally and in tune with God’s Spirit.
Bible ReferencesJohn 17:20-23 – Jesus prays for unity among believersEphesians 4:1-6 – One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one body and one SpiritRevelation 7:9 – People of every nation, tribe, people and language worshiping God
KeywordsChange, leadership, unity, denominations, apostolic
Acerca de Anchored & Reaching “Anchored & Reaching” es un podcast semanal que invita a la reflexión, diseñado para cristianos curiosos que aspiran a impactar al mundo mientras permanecen profundamente arraigados en su fe. Conducido por Kevin Mannoia, cada episodio presenta conversaciones interesantes, ideas prácticas y perspectivas diversas de líderes cristianos que encarnan los valores duales de estar anclados en Cristo y llegar activamente al mundo. Únase a Kevin cada semana mientras lo alienta a vivir una vida cristiana dinámica, basada en la verdad bíblica e impulsada por una pasión por el cambio positivo.
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