In this insightful episode of “Anchored & Reaching,” host Kevin Mannoia and guest host Susanne Fleming delve into the concept of meaningful work and how it impacts our daily lives. They explore the deep-seated need for purpose in our work, regardless of the nature of our jobs. The discussion pivots around the theological premise of God’s call and how it shapes our perception of work, moving beyond traditional views of vocation as merely a career.
Video series on YouTube: Living Book on Amazon:’s Class at Aldersgate School of Ministry: Aldersgatesom.comKevin’s website:
Key TakeawaysUnderstanding Vocation: Vocation is not just a career; it’s an intrinsic sense of purpose that God places within us, aligning our passions, abilities, and personality.The Caller Behind the Calling: Value in work derives not from outcomes but from God, the caller, emphasizing a personal connection to our daily tasks.Work as a Form of Worship: Engaging in work, regardless of its nature, can be an act of worship and service if aligned with our God-given vocation.Practical Approach to Vocation: In situations where a job doesn’t align with one’s vocation, it still provides opportunities to pursue one’s calling through other avenues.Helpful Bible ReferencesColossians 3:23-24: Encouraging believers to work heartily, as for the Lord.Ephesians 2:10: We are God’s workmanship, created for good works.1 Corinthians 7:17: Each person should live as God has called them.KeywordsMeaningful WorkVocation, CallingPurpose, God’s PlanWork-Life BalanceSpiritual GrowthChristian Living
Acerca del podcast “Anchored & Reaching” es un podcast semanal para aquellos que desean explorar la historia continua de Dios y encontrar su lugar en ella. El presentador Kevin Mannoia participa en conversaciones que invitan a la reflexión, ofreciendo ideas prácticas y perspectivas diversas de líderes cristianos. El podcast tiene como objetivo inspirar a los oyentes a vivir de manera dinámica, arraigados en la fe, mientras se involucran activamente con el mundo.
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